This post is brought to you by the letter K. It is part of a letter game started by our pal Reilly, the kowspot dog (hush, we'll spell kow however we want to and this is a letter K post).
K is for Kangaroo an animal that lives in Australia in a land that it is already tomorrow, when it is yesterday here. They hop on two legs and carry their pups in a pouch. A kangaroo puppy is called a Joey. You may remember our pals Kanga-Pup and Little Roo, when we talked about Ekka and drank Pawsters and Kennel Brew. Reilly's Mom is Australian and Charlie lives down under there too.
Kanga Pup and Little Roo
The Pawsters and Kennel Brew have Kangroo pictures
K is for Kennel a place we sometimes do sleep. It is our shelter our refuge when things are khaotic. We feel safe in our kennel and find at times treats.
Young Essex in her Kennel in a Miami Hotel
K is for Kipling, Dog Dad's favorite author. He wrote books and poems and was born in Bombay, India in 1865 in the country our friend Oorvi calls home. There was The Jungle Book, The Man Who Would Be King, Kim, Just So Stories and Captain Courageous. Then of course there were his poems: Gunga Din, Recessional and of course If-. In a 1995 BBC opinion poll, If- was voted Britains favorite poem. If- is the poem that Dog Dad chose to live his life after he first read it when he was a young pup in high school many, many dog moons ago. Kipling crossed the Rainbow Bridge in 1936.
Kipling in his study, 1895 from Wkipedia
K is for Knight a man dressed in armour that is brave and is true. In Merry Old England a place Ludo calls home, there lived the most famous King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. There were many orders of knights to include Templar, Hospitaller, Teutonic and Malta. The Knight is a game piece in Dad's favorite board games, chess. His favorite chess game was four-handed. Four sets of pieces and players on teams. White & Yellow vs Black & Red played on a board shaped like a cross.
Knight statue and chess pieces
K is for Krivan a mountain in the High Tatras in a land called Slovakia. Mount Krivan is the second highest mountain in the High Tatras and was selected to be one of the images on Slovakia's euro coins. The picture below Dad got from a very good friend from the Czech Republic, when he worked at Fort Belvoir.
Mount Krivan
We have posted five things about the letter K and our turn has ended. We pass on the letter game to two of our friends. To Charlie we pass the letter H; and to Tosca, what else but the letter P as in Perfect. To they can pass this game on to one or to two, while we thank the Great Dane we are through.
Essex & Deacon