Dad looks at it and said "If Essex bounces the gate during fence patrol, it will collapse and all the dogs will run out." We mentioned it to the appropriate people several weeks ago but we think they all ignored us. The fence has went through several herricanes and was completely under water from storm surge from herricane Wilma.
We did have a little excitement at Angel Paws today. Daisy the Labrador Retriever got so excited running around that she ran into Ollie's Mom and knocked her over. It was a blind sided hit, so poor Ollie's Mom fell down and landed on her wrist. She is going to get her wrist x-rayed tomorrow. All of our pack hopes she is okay, because we all like here. Especially Deacon, who barked that she brings some pawsome treats to the park.
Other than that things are hot and slow.
Dog Speed,
Essex & Deacon