After an extended stay Lady I finally left to go back home to Georgia. Her Mom stayed in a hotel, while Lady I chilled with us. We sure enjoyed having her around. Lady I and Essex told me tall tails about the Dog Park and other Key West adventures. Sherman enjoyed having Lady I around that he tried to stop her from going.
Lady I at rest |
Sherman tries to make Lady stay with us |
Lady's Mom gives Essex a kiss goodbye |
Dog Dad has been calling Sherman, Dog-ter Strange Tooth the last four days. One of Sherman's canine baby teeth hasn't fallen out yet. Dad says it looks funny that one adult canine and the baby tooth still there. Dad isn't worried because the baby tooth is loose and he figures it will fall out soon.
Red arrow points to baby tooth |
Last Saturday Sherman was weighted. He is now 41 pounds. Hard to believe how much he has grown.
Our boy, Sherman |
Dog Speed,
Essex & Sherman