We found out from our breeder mom, Lil, that our cousin, (Holmhaven Pure Copper, UD, RE) Toby, crossed the Rainbow Bridge, Tuesday, 4 October. Toby was born 6 January 2003; his sire was Duffy vom Grutlohner Hof, Imp and his dam was Holmhaven Crystal Treasure. Both Toby and Essex had Jason for a Grand Paw and both would have called Jason’s brudder Great Uncle Bobby.
Cousin Toby, January 2003- October 2011 |
The collies are sad. The Key West Collies knew Toby from when we were pups. Toby was ten months older than Essex and was almost a year old when Essex left to come live in Key West. Sherman is even more closely related as Toby paw-rents are Sherman's Great Grand Paw-rents. Our Dog Angel, Deacon would have called Toby’s Mutter, Grand Mutter.
Toby was a Velcro collie and loved to be as close to Lil as possible. He loved going to shows with Lil. When he finished his Utility Degree, Toby still wanted to go to classes and make Lil proud. So Lil and Toby learned to do all the Rally exercises together. Toby was happy to just be with Lil and loved to give her kisses. Toby had been battling a lung when Dog Dad and I went bring Sherman to our home. He fought the lung infection for three months and at the end would only eat only braunschweiger. We know that Lil is missing him terribly. She referred to Toby as her soul mate: and since she has been so lucky to know so many collies, that means Toby was extra special.
To Lil and the Holmhaven Collies: Thank you for sharing your pack with so many people. Know that you have made the world a better place. We know your pain and appreciated your kind words after Deacon’s sudden crossing. We are sure that Toby is playing with Deacon, Cousin Howie, Great Uncle Bobby, Grand Paw Jason and many other Holmhaven Collies in the forest and fields that are past the Rainbow Bridge.
Dog Speed
Essex, Sherman and Dog Dad too.