Dad and I are worried about Sherman. When we woke up this morning to go for our walk Dad noticed that one of us had thrown up our dinner. Dad fed us a 6 PM and went to be around 9:30, so he wasn't sure who it was. We got done with our walk and Dad showered.
He got out the treats and noticed that I gobbled it down, while Sherman wasn't real interested. Sherman slowly ate his two treats. This worried us because Sherman usually is quick to eat treats. When Dad got back home from work, Sherman seemed a little slow, Dad saw he vomited up his treats too. When he offered some cheese, Sherman refused. Dad felt Sherman's tummy and it was soft. Dad called our vet and has an appointment for tomorrow.
Sherman is Not Acting Normal |
Sherman is drinking water (good sign) but isn't hungry (worries Dad). We went to the park, Sherman seems sluggish but chased after a trailer at a slower pace. Dad is going through his mind things that have went on. On the 14th he gave both of us some Drontal Plus because he noticed what looked like little rice grains in Sherman's stool. That is a sign of tape worms, so we both took that pill after Dad checked out cyber-paw space to see if Drontal was bad for collies. Dad is discounting the pills because that was eight days ago.
Sherman showed some energy at Angel Paws and is drinking water, so Dad is comfortable with the wait. However, not eating and throwing up concerns Dad. Unlike Great Great Auntie Essex, who would at times not eat and would even refuse a treat, Sherman has never refused a treat. So Dad is worried but not in a panic.
We'll see what Doc tells us tomorrow.
Dog Speed,