The last couple days have just flown by us. We were going to post yesterday, but didn't. Stories to relay.
Cousin Clyde had an operation on his back leg yesterday. He is home and recovering. The operating vet said Clyde was in good condition. He needs rest to recover and to follow an exercise routine to recover. The Doctor thinks Clyde has several good years left in him. Clyde is happy to be home with his hoomans. We sure hope is around several more years, because we loved hearing stories of Essex and Deacon.
Clyde is Recovering From Leg Surgery |
We received a P-Mail from Gemini's sister Shannon at Holmhaven. She had puppies in May and one of her son's will be staying at Holmhaven. That is him below, he sure is a handsome fella. The thought of him being at Holmhaven makes us smile.
Shannon's Son |
Meeting pups at Angel Paws have been hit and miss. Sometimes there are pups are there, other time no paw. We didn't get to go yesterday because it rained. We got a walk instead, sigh. Dad did tell us stories about Uncle Deacon and Essex, because it would have been Deacon's eleventh barkday on 12 July. We kept Dad busy, so he didn't dwell on Deacon. Many of the stories Dad told us made us laugh. We both wish we could have met Deacon before he crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
Angel Collies Deacon and Essex Watch Over Our Pack |
Yesterday got busy with Dad working, the computer having problems downloading pictures since the up grade to windows 10. Then Brudder called and then his sister called about Clyde. Before you knew it the day had passed. We both fell asleep next to Dad's bed, happy to be home with our Dad.
Dog Speed,
Sherman & Gemini