We finally got Dad to bring his camera and take some pawtographs of the new pups showing up at Angel Paws. We still see Kira and Bo too.
First there is Sol and Luna, they are American Eskimo dogs. Sol is the bigger of the two and plays with Gemini. Usually Luna doesn't want to play with Gemini, but today was an exception. We are hoping that Luna is finally getting use to Gemini.
Luna and Sol |
Luna |
Sol |
Next is Ellie, a tiny Yorkshire Terrier. She is used to both of us. She will let Sherman know if he does something wrong. Ellie will get up on people and loves chasing balls. Dad told us she reminded him of Ollie. Many dog moons ago in the year 2009, Ollie would play with Deacon. Dad smiled a lot when he told us about Ollie, Essex and Deacon.
Ellie |
The last new regular we will talk about is a Bloodhound named Houser. Houser likes to bark at golf carts and skateboards. So he sometimes helps Sherman do Fence Patrol Neither is obsessed with Fence Patrol as Essex.
Houser |
Our land line isn't working. We called the phone company and they are working on it. If need be they will send a phone pawson to our home Thursday. Dad used the phone check box and there is no signal coming from outside the house.
Dog Speed,
Sherman & Gemini