Merry Essex-mas to cyberpaw land. Things have been busy around here. Dad is trying to clean around the house, Miles and Copper are staying with us, Dad did his backing and visiting.
On Friday 14 December Dad had a blast from the past visit Key West. Hooter's Mom came to visit Angel Paws with a black lab mix named Rosco P. Dad and her talked for quite awhile. Hooter passed away about a year ago and her husband about six months back. Rosco P. is taking care of her, and there is talk of moving to Alaska. The visit brought back many memories of Essex and Deacon. Dad was smiling for several days afterwards. He thought of young Hooter and Essex playing. The pups along the fence line and the dirt path that Essex made from fence patrol.
Oreo, Hooter, Essex and Snoopy at Angel Paws |
Essex, Daniel and Hooter at the Fence Line |
Chloe the Brittany Spaniel visited fur a couple weeks. Dad found out that Bodie, the Brittany Spaniel crossed the bridge about a year ago. It was good seeing their hooman, who didn't visit one year because of the screw worms and the next year because of herricane Irma.
We will post more in the next couple of days. Posting is slow because Dad messed up the camera.
Merry Essexmas,
Sherman & Gemini