Today would be Essex's seventeenth barkday. It is hard to believe she crossed the Rainbow Bridge almost seven years ago. When Gemini and I went to pick up Normandy at Holmhaven, Lil (our breeder Mom) relayed Dad a story she hadn't told Dad. Gemini filled in Dad on the rest of the story, that Sherman had told Gemini.
2003 - Essex Holmhaven Puppy Pawtograph |
2004 - Collie First Class Essex |
Essex was part of a large litter. However, Essex wasn't breathing at birth and Lil thought she was stillborn. Lil put the limp body into the trashcan, but the Lord and the Great Dane came to that small puppy's soul to tell her that it was not her time to cross the bridge. There was a hooman soul she needed to save. Their spirit touched Essex and the small body came to life. Essex took a breath and let out a small sound. Lil rushed over and brought the pup to the Mom, Valiant Ebony Flash. The small tri-color girl had a strong will to survive.
Essex grew stronger and as the pups got bigger, they started to find new homes. Until there was only Essex and brother Buddy. Essex came Key West to live with Dad. Brother Buddy stayed behind to sire several litters. Deacon, Sherman, Gemini and Normandy all have Buddy in their pedigree lines.
Dad loves all the collies and misses those that crossed, especially the one that saved his soul. He is happy that the two of us are with him now. We remind him there is good in the world. He will never forget all the adventures with the collies and everything that Essex taught him.
Dog Speed,
Gemini and Normandy