Saturday, February 29, 2020

Angel Park Friends - February 2020

We were going to post Friday, but Dad got sick.  I am watching over him and making sure he is okay.  A lot of things happened this month.  I have two pals at Angel Paws.  The first is McGee.  I first met McGee back in March 2018.  Sherman and McGee looked like twins.
Gemini and McGee
We've gotten together with McGee at Angel Paws and I stayed on day with him while Dad drove back and forth to Miami on 12 March.  I enjoy visiting with McGee, but liked being back home with Dad more. 
This is the first time we've posted about Mac, though we met him last year.  Mac is a pawsome little Sheltie Boy.  He likes me but doesn't like to play much.

We will post more tomorrow.

Gemini and Dog Dad