Dad started singing Happy Barkday to me when he woke up this morning. I was like enough singing it is walk time. He gave me a big hug before and after our walk. Then I got some extra dog treats and a frost paw this morning. By the Great Dane, I was in heaven. The only thing that would have made it better was if Sherman was here. I could feel his spirit.
Enjoying My Fifth Barkday |
I excited about having a younger cousin coming to live with us. The plan is to travel to Holmhaven on 12 July to pick up Normandy. It will be pawtastic to have another collie in the house. We can hide out under the table and make plans. I will do my best to teach Normandy the way of the collie.
Our relative Brave Star (AKA Buddy), dropped us a line congratulating us on Normandy coming to live in Key West. We even got a pawtograph from Buddy. Buddy lives with cats and even will wear a hat. I wonder if he knows the "Cat in the hat"?
Buddy E-Barked Us |
Happy Barkday to me and Dog Speed to all of woo.