Normandy is growing fast. His legs are getting longer, he can rest his head on the couch. Gemini & Normandy are best pals. Gemini was having soft poo, so Dad took a sample in. Results were negative, the cause was probably from Gemini eating Norm's puppy chow.
8 August - Back From Our Walk |
On 15 August we to the vets to get weighed at the vets. Gemini whined while Norm was getting weighed. Norm weighed 22 lbs, so he has went from a quarter pill to a half pill for his daily heart worm medicine. Later that day he got his first bath and Norm was not happy. Dad told him, if you roll in Gemini's soft poo, you are getting a bath.
First Bath For Normandy |
Dad saw us resting together on 21 August and had to take a pawtograph. We like being around each other.
We've Bonded - Look How Long Norm's Legs Are |
Auntie Gem Makes A Grrreat Pillow |
Then on 22 August a special visitor stopped by in Key West. Gemini was just a puppy when she last saw Bodie's and Chloe's hoooman. She remembered though. There was a great waggy tail nad collie kisses. Plenty of barking too. It amazes Dad how collies remember things.
Gemini, Normandy & Joe P. |
A Happy Gemini With A Good Friend
Tropical Storm Laura looks like it will not be a serious issue. We've been watching the storm track for several days. We are staying here in our home and will post more tomorrow, dog willing.
Dog Speed,
Gemini & Normandy