Here are some pawtographs from Chucho's Barkday way back on 16 June. There were some treats and a cake we could eat. As you can tell Chucho turned 3. We had a fun time at the Barkday Party.

Chucho's Mom Gives Gemini Some Cake

Gemini & Sherman Ask Chucho's Mom For Cake
Dad has been meaning to post, but things keep coming up. Dad told us he has to get the house straightened up. Having failed over the last several month, he is going to try an old strategy. He is going to listen to episodes of Johnny Dollar and get after things. Johnny Dollar is an old radio show from the 1950s. Dad knows he can get things done listening to the show. It isn't as distracting as the TV or as boring with nothing on. We'll let you know if Dad got anything done.
Dog Speed,
Gemini & Normandy