Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Essex Barkday Report

I thought all of you would enjoy these three pictures from my Barkday. The first picture is me waking up to Dog Dad singing Happy Barkday. It sure was nice of him to do that. Afterwards we went out for our early morning walk. Dad pointed out Orion and Canis Major which were visible in the sky above us. Deacon and I got some extra treats when we got back. Then Dad had to go to work.

When he got back home, I got scratched behind the ears and a big hug. That was followed by a peanut butter and cheese flavored ice cream flavored dog treat. The two of us woofed those down. After Dad played with us at home it was off to Angel Paws.

Wowsers, I enjoyed my favorite pastime in the whole universe – Fence Patrol. Everyone better watch out the Secretary of Da Fence is here. You know I had fun on my barkday.

Dog Speed,



Anonymous said...

Happy Barkday dear Essex! You peanut butter treat sounds yummy! We should try this here :)

Mack said...

It sounds like you had the perfect barkday!

Dawn said...

It does sound perfect Essex, can't beat peanut butter treats AND fence patrol on the very same day!

the magic sleigh said...

Wooos! Happy Barkday Essex~
I am sure you had a wonderful time with the treas and fence patrol, that is what I like to do too, plus a nap or two....
-Kira The BeaWootiful

Lizzy said...


It looks as if your barkday was a BLAST. Peanut butter ice cream treats? If there's any leftovers, send 'em on over to me!

I hope you have a grrrrEAT day ahead,


Dawn said...

So....Essex...have you recovered from your bark-day yet? Tell your Dad that there are way more snakes at Florida parks than up here in Michigan, Katie says!