We received two more puppy pictures last night. The puppies would be around 16 days old. The sure look like they are all in fine shape. We are still thinking about names and haven't decided on one yet. Dog Dad is looking forward to getting the new puppy and having another collie to keep me company.
We were emailed a story about a dog named Yurtle and a homeless man in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Click here to read the story of Yurtle and Kevin. It is a very touching story and resulted in Dog Dad getting misty eyed. It shows that bonds that exist between hooman and canines. Dog Dad said he has seen such strong bonds with cats too.
Dog Speed Cyber-Paw Pals,
The pups are doing so great - look how strong and BIG they are getting. Have you decided which one you are having yet?
Those babes are growing FAST! Soon you will have a little brother Essex!!
They are adorable. It won't be long before you will have a puppy at home.
Puppiesssssss!!!! So cuuute!
Woofs & hugs,
~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)
Such a touching story. Glad he got to see her again before he died. The pups are cute! Do they have personalities yet? Probably not...
Dawling Essex
I haven't been to visit in a while and am sooo happy to see that you and youw Dad awe getting a new puppy to keep you company..how wondewful!!!1 I know whichevew Collie baby gets chosen , they will be vewy lucky to be able to join youw family.
We saw that video and mommi got all leaky eyed..i had to lick hew all ovew to make hew bettew
smoochie kisses
Essex and Dog dAd,
How awe you???
I hope that you awe bof well and that you have made some pwogwess on finding a dawling pup to complete youw family
smoochie kisses
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