We received a call this morning and this evening. The first was from Dad's neighbor Bob. Bob walked or property noted one of our roof turbines flew off, and that at least one of our sheds were crushed by the other neighbors Brazilian Pepper trees. The rest of the house looked good.
Then his neighbor Frank from across the street called. He relayed that the house looked good, one of the gutters were missing, the one palm tree fell down, the PVC pipes around the house looked good too. He said his house took minimal water, which means there was no flood water in our home. The electricity was on as our AC was running.
We are all happy. Dad even did a funny dance.
Dog Speed,
Sherman and Gemini
2 days ago
Wow...the only casualties were a gutter, palm tree, a shed, and a roof exhaust turbine? I think u dodged a bullet on that one! Plus the AC was running, meaning electricity....and no water in the house? That's just pawsome! I knew our prayers were doing good!!! God was watching over you!!! P.S.---I would've done a funny dance and maybe a few backflips myself! BOL ;-)
Grrrrrreat news! Thank you St Mary Star of the Sea!
Very good news indeed!
Slick, Rocky & Cassie forgot to mention that they like the "Grrrr" in the title of this post cuz it matches our username! BOL....or MOL in our case :-)
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