Saturday, October 31, 2020

Collieween 2020

 Well, cyber paw pals it was a quiet Collieween fur us.  Dad didn't get candy to give out this year due to all the bad germs going around.  A lot of hoomans were like that this year.  Normally, every paw is out and we get stuck in the bedroom because we would bark our heads off at all the small hobgoblins running around the neighborhood.  

Instead Dad spent his time with us inside with the lights off.  There were some hoomans out and the Key West Mounted Police were clomping through our block.  Hopefully, next year will be back to normal.  It has been one Abbey Normal year.

Dog Speed,

Gemini and Normandy


StevieGrrrWonder said...

Wow, what a different Halloween than any other year! ?It was a bust...hardly any kids. Didn't pass out candy as usual this year, but sat on the porch and watched. Saw the first kid close to 7pm (in past years, it's been about 6:20pm or so), maybe saw 4 kids total when it ended at 8pm. A few houses had parties indoors, others went elsewhere to a movie or restaurant or people went to the drive-thru party downtown in the park to get bags of candy. The weather was PERFECT this year...not to warm or cold, no rain, no wind. If Coronavirus wouldn't have happened, I'm convinced there would've been a record number of kids knocking on my door this year😪 I'm hoping next year is gonna be back to normal and I'll b able to decorate, dress up and pass out goodies!

Sheltie Times said...

It was icy cold and we had less than 30 kids which is a low number for us as we tend to be a go to neighborhood. Dog Dad built a touchless candy deliver for the kids and we sat out for a little bit with Dog Mom but then we went inside as it was just too cold.