Saturday, May 11, 2024

Normandy Turns Four

"Creeeeeeek."  Boy, this place sure is dusty.  We keep meaning to post, but never seem to get to it.  Dad gets busy doing one thing or another.

Waking Up to Dad Singing Happy Barkday

Well, the big news is that Norm turned four today.  Me and Dad still remember the rambunctious puppy.  We got extra cheese and treats today too.  Lots of pets and belly rubs too.
Gem & Norm Resting Side by Side

Dad and Gemini still remember when Norm was born.  I was excited at the thought of having another pup around.  As you can tell we get along with each other.

Dog Speed,

Gemini & Normandy


Collie222 said...

Happy birthday sweetheart!

StevieGrrrWonder said...

Wowzers.....4 already??? Time sure does fly! HAPPY BARKDAY!!! ☺️