Monday, September 2, 2024

Cookies & Locks

 We hope everypaw is doing well.  Things are going fine here.  Our good pal Chucho is going to leave Key West on Wednesday.  We will miss him.  His Dog Parents made Dad some cookies to eat.  We loved the creative artwork, that reminds us of Chucho.

The second item is the gate lock.  Dad is checking it because it is just being looped on the fence.  Dad makes sure it connects better and is not loose.  He doesn't want making a mad dash.  Hope they find the key and start locking it again.

Dad intends to post again on Wednesday, because it is a special day.  Wonder what is special and if we will get extra treats!

Dog Speed,

Gemini & Normandy


StevieGrrrWonder said...

Thanks fur the update! Glad you and the pups are doing well. Those cookies look tasty, but I bet they're only fur dogs (darn it! BOL). Busy over here, Summer is ending and Fall clean-up and Winter prep will start soon. The lazy days of Summer are coming to a close 😥

Collie222 said...

Hello! Glad to hear you are all still doing well! We have been busy with dog sports and shows, and trying to get back into updating our collie blog regularly. I’m sure you read that I lost my Kori back in May, it’s been hard not seeing her sweet face each day, and we miss her terribly. But Ryder just celebrated his 13th birthday on Friday, so that was a happy day, even if it was his first birthday without his sister to celebrate with.

Dawn said...

Glad you guys are doing good! I wonder why they don't get that lock fixed at your park? Though I'm sure you are good dogs and would NEVER run out of the park without your dad! So.....what is going to happen on Wednesday? There are still a few hours of Wednesday left!