Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Merry Essexmas

Merry Essexmas to everypaw.

Bowser, we took a look and noted we haven't posted in quite a while.  

Our Essexmas went well, and hope it was the same for all of you.  

We will have Dad post some next week, as he is on vacation next week.  The three Herricanes we kind to us.  Norm had an incident at Angel Paws on Thanksgiving Day.  

Dad is trying to get organized around the house but is more interested in sleeping than cleaning.  We promise to post this weekend.  

Dog Speed,

Gemini, Normandy and Dog Dad

1 comment:

StevieGrrrWonder said...

YES, MERRY ESSEXMAS! We were wondering what happened cuz there's been no posts from u for 4 months...not even the usual Collieween or Thanksgiving posts. Seems life is busy for all of us these days. Glad yur hurricane season was kind 2 u...our tornado season was the same for us here. Sorry about Norm's accident, and we're glad he is ok. Slick had a recent bout with a stomach virus going around. Sudden vomiting & diarrhea leading to dehydration and a necessary vet visit, which also spoiled a family pre-Christmas party for dad, BUT we got to visit on CHRISTMAS DAY instead and travelled short distances to see everyone separately who would've been at the original no biggie. So Slick has been Slick, think he crossed the line to being considered elderly when he turned 12 in October. He likes to sleep and chill next to dad especially on cold days and nights. Sammy is still Sammy, being obnoxious, testing limits, and getting into everything...almost middle-aged at age 7, but acting like a 2-year old! Lord, help us!!!

Looking forward to yur YEAR'S-END post on Dec 31st! CHEERS!!!!