Exploring my yard

6 - Madison
Dog Speed,
May your tail wag, your belly be full, and may you have a forever family to rub your tummy and scratch behind your ears. --------- the collies' blessing to other dogs
Exploring my yard
= = = = = =
Dear Essex & Deacon,
I just wanted to let you know that I found my furever family. It is a grrrreat family, I really love everyone. I have to admit, I am a bit scared to go outside though. I wish that I could have met you two, but things are what they are. This family is a full time job, so I doubt you will hear from me again.Anise Oil Cookies
Cuban Flan
The goodies Dad baked
Grand-Paw and pups circa 1942-43
Reveille is Texas A&M’s Collie mascot. She is a cadet general, and wears 5 diamonds on her maroon-and-white blanket. All freshmen cadets refer to her as “Miss Rev, ma’am.” She picks a sophomore to be the mascot corporal and Miss Rev goes classes and accompanies him on dates. Reveille has her own cell phone and student identification card. If she decides to sleep on a cadet’s bed, the cadet sleeps on the floor. We looked at Dad. He laughed his friendly low laugh and said “In your dreams guys.”
The story of Reveille started in January 1931. Several members of the Fightin’ Texas Aggie band were returning from a party when they unexpectedly hit a small black and white mixed-breed stray dog. They smuggled her into school, but the dog began barking when “Reveille” was blown by the bugler, thus the origin of her name.
During the opening football season, Reveille I became the official mascot and led the band onto the field for their half-time performance. During WW II Reveille I was given the rank of Cadet General by the U.S. Army. When she crossed the rainbow bridge on 18 January 1944, a military funeral was held at the football stadium and she was buried at the north entrance facing the scoreboard so she could always watch the score of the game.
Reveille Grave Site from Wickipedia
The students tried but were unable to raise funds for a second dog. An alumnus donated a sheltie, who became Reveille II. Reveille II was the mascot from 1952-1966. “Miss Rev” marched with the Aggie Band during football games and she had a habit of relieving herself on the football field. Bets were often placed as to which yard line.
Reveille III – VIII have been purebred Collies. Some interesting things include when Reveille IV crossed the bridge in 1984 over 10,000 hoomans attended her funeral. Reveille V was mischievous and loved to steal erasers from chalkboards during class. Reveille VI became a movie star in the 1996 film "Reveille, My Life as the Aggie Mascot." Reveille VIII became took over in 2008 and was whelped in Topeka, Kansas. We wonder if Topeka is close to Wichita where Great (Great) Uncle Bobby used to live.
Hmmm, if we start licking Dad’s face and nibbling on his ear, maybe we can get our own cell phone and time on the bed. It is worth a try, right cyber-paw pals?
Dog Speed
Essex & Deacon
We hope everyone is having a pawtastic weekend. Grand-Paw keeps improving. His voice is weak, and he is going through physical and speech rehab. He is positive and every one is telling us he is quite a pawsome guy. We knew that already.
We wanted to share a picture of our Cheddar Collies. To answer Jake and JH, yes you can make make Cheddar Wire Fox Terriers (WFTs). Though they don't have quite the nice ring as Cheddar Collies. The place we got our cookie cutters had 78 different breeds. We don't mind sharing the site with our cyber-paw pals. If you e-bark us, we will send you the hyper-link. To e-bark us, either press the picture with the two collies on the right or type in the address. No we don't own stock in the company, Dog Dad just likes baking stuff.
Dog Speed,
Essex & Deacon
Happy Thanksgiving Every Paw
Lady I takes a breather
Lady II poses for the camera
The Four Key West Collies
Lady I, Deacon, Essex and Lady II
Any one who reads our post is welcome to this award. However, we would recognize three that have helped us with our blog and answered many a computer question.
1 - Oorvi, a kind soul that has honored us with a wonderful clock
2 - Tosca, a witty funny Collie, who started us blogging and spent many hours explaining how to create a blog.
3 - Gomer and Opie, who have provided good computer advice and have made us smile many a time.
Dog Speed,
Essex & Deacon
Cousin Clyde ready to take a nap
Special Barkday Pup-Cakes
Deacon enjoying a Pup-Cake
Essex enjoys a chewy Barkday treat
Essex, Hattie, Cassie and Deacon
#1 Cousin with his hooman family
#1 Cousin just looking adorable