The second night Dad got a kennel. I couldn’t believe it when he put me in the kennel and closed that door. I cursed the Great Dane for making such a big mistake. I cried and whimpered but he kept me in it. He would try to comfort me by petting me inside, but he wouldn’t let me out. The next night I decided to be a brave stoic little collie and was quiet the entire night. I now realize Dad was trying to get me used to the kennel, just in case we had to travel. Looking back on it, it seemed to be just as hard on him. Frequently there would be treats in my kennel and now he rarely locks me inside my kennel. That kennel is my sanctuary.

Checking out the fence at my new home

Arroorroo, does anyone live next door?
Fellow dogs don’t let your human Moms and Dads read this part. That first week I wasn’t sure about the Great Dane’s judgment and I decided on my own test. There was a light rain and we were outside, Dad just turned the corner and was out of view. I scampered after him and wiped out head over heals when I turned the corner on the wet concrete. I went with the old sympathy routine; you know limping and whimpering. What a softie, he fell for it. I had an appointment the next day, but he called the vet! Ten minutes later, I am at the vets and once inside I smell other dogs. I forgot to keep acting. I’m just walking around, sniffing just like nothing happened. The girls at the Lower Keys Animal Clinic joked he was an over protective Dad. The vet looked me over, discovered an ear infection and gave Dad medicine. Yep, the Great Dane had sent me to a loving home. I wouldn’t run over this human, but he had a soft spot in his heart for me.
Outside of that adventure, my first week was spent playing, training, exploring the yard and short walks. I found out about those wonderful things called coconuts. They sure are fun to chew on, poke at and carry around. While Deacon, Dad and I are not perfect like Tosca, we are perfect for each other. I taught a rookie owner like Dad a lot, but he is a fast learner, just like a collie. Sure I made mistakes, but I trained him so well my nephew Deacon adopted him three years later. Well, I don’t hear the weed whacker anymore, time to sign off.

Coconuts are sure good to nibble on!

Look Dad, no paws
Dog speed.
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