Sunday, March 16, 2008

Major Dane

It was another interesting week at the dog park. Essex performed fence patrol, guarding the dog park from evil bicycles and golf carts.

PJ came back to visit and play. It sure was good to see him again. He was a little leery about playing with new dogs. Bear gave me plenty of nose pokes. Bear gets behind you and poke you hard in ribs or the behind, so you will chase him. He almost did that to Auntie Essex, but then thought better of it. All of us other dogs just laughed at the expression on Bear's face. Auntie Essex doesn't put up with that nonsense.

PJ looks all better.

Bear and the nose that poked a hundred dog

Then a visiting Great Dane named Major stopped by. He sure was tall, now I know how Ollie feels. We asked him to put in a good word with the Great Dane for us. New to Angel Paws Dog Park are Angel and Tubby. We hope to continue seeing a lot more of them. Angel is a Guam Boonie dog. She was adopted by a nice man, after her whole pack was wiped out during a typhoon struck the island. She has a wild side, but was pretty nice to me. Tubby and I played chase.

Major, the Great Dane. That's Deacon right behind him.

Angel, the Boonie Dog from Guam.

Tubby and I quickly became friends

Well, I have to go.

Dog Speed,



Islay said...

Hi Essex & Deacon - sounds like you have a great time at the dog park (oh, my memories come back of my many jaunts long ago...) That's some responsibility patrolling - sort of like Zeus and Apollo, eh? Just remember what a collie does best: run in cricles and they will get dizzy! (Deacon, I can't see your pretty face in that photo!)


Anonymous said...

Wow, this Bear guy really has an impressive nose :)
We're glad that you made two new friends at the park. They look like friendly blokes!
Josh and Jess