Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mutter's Day 2011

We hope that all the mutter's out there have a pawsom Mutter's Day. Mutters do a lot for us. Dog Dad today is thinking about his mutter, who crossed the rainbow bridge several years ago. He misses talking to her and all the guidance she gave him growing up.

Grand Maw and Dad's Sister Becky

Dog Dad's Mutter with her Family in 1933.
She is first on the left in the pink dress.

Valiant Ebony Flash
Essex's Mom

Holmhaven Golden Touch "Ozzette"
Deacon's Mom

We would say bring them a nice stick, but hoooman moms don't care much for sticks. So instead give your mom a nice face lick and a snuggle, they like things like that.

Dog Speed,

Essex & Deacon


Natasha said...

A very Happy Mutter's Day to you too!

Dawn said...

Glad you guys have great memories of your mutters!! Thanks for sharing the photos!