We step in the WABAC machine this morning and we were still in Key West when we stepped out.
As we go for our walk we notice the newspaper is
only a nickel.
Strange the paper is
normally fifty cents.
Then we look at
the year, it is 1962, fifty years ago.
Dog Dad would be a
little boy in kindergarten and the Holmhaven Collie line just starting.
This is
an eventful in day in
world history.
On the morning of 14 October 1962, a U-2 piloted by Major Richard Heyser, flies
the first U-2 reconnaissance mission for Strategic Air Command (SAC).
Previous U-2 missions were flown by the
Pawtographs from this mission show Medium Range
Ballistic Missiles sites being built in
On 16 October President John F. Kennedy is
This is the
start of the Cuban Missile Crisis.
options are discussed that morning, a surgical air strike, an attack on a
number of locations in
an invasion of Cuba and a naval blockade.
The mood is somber and Robert Kennedy passes
a note to his brudder, the President. The note reads “I now know how Tojo felt when he was planning
Pearl Harbor.”
The word quarantine is used instead of blockade.
The USS Essex is directed to make the first
interception, to include antisubmarine tactics.
On 22 October JFK addresses the nation on national TV and
SAC goes to DEFCON 3.
On 24 October SAC increases alert status to DEFCON
2 for the first and only time in history.
Will the Russian ships run blockade? Finally on 28 October, Khrushchev announces over Radio Moscow that he has agreed
to remove the missiles from
The world exhales. As we get back in the
WABAC machine, we look at Dad and wag
our tails.
Calm cool reasoning
prevailed during this crisis.
JFK was the right man, at the right place at
the right time.
SAC Patch |
We hope we have the wisdom to elect the right man for the times. We hope our leaders remember the past and do not repeat the same mistakes. We pray for them to be wise.
Dog Speed,
Essex & Sherman
We pray for the same thing.
Are you a writer? You've got a magical way with words.
(oops - deleted me comment so here it is again...)
Wisdom and hope are big words for a dog of very little brain (me) - but I do hope for the best. Have a great week!
I certainly remember the Cuban Missile Crisis--I was in Grade 5. I recall the biggest fear a lot of kids had, was whether there would be a Halloween Trick or Treat. I think they showed us films about nuclear attacks and for awhile it looked pretty grim. There aren't any more politicians of the calibre of JFK--he refused to be pushed into things and he was assassinated.
Wow...this post took Mumsie back to the days of weaing dog tags to grade school and wondering why the adults looked so worried...
Thanks for putting this up...we learned a lot and are grateful it all worked out...
Politicians have certainly changed...
XXOO Scurffy, Lacie and Stanny
Before my time, but do remember this from American History and Government class. But a 5 cent newspaper or 25 cent gas would be nice today, wouldn't it?
That was truly a time-travel post, my dear friends. I was right there, with you...and I cross paws with you in hoping that America does elect the right man for the times - because America's choice is important for the whole world.
I wasn't happy with the 2nd debate. Despite all the sophistication, it was more of a duel than a debate...
Licks n wags,
I was in sonar school in key west it was exciting
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