Sunday, August 10, 2014

Laddie Honors 100 Years Ago

I was talking to my good Pals Skye and Blue this morning.  Somehow the topic of history came up and Blue sent me some pawtographs of a mascot dog in England that attends historical ceremonies.  In these pawtographs, Laddie, the mascot dog is attending a ceremony remembering 4 August 1914, the day Great Briton declared war on Germany.
Laddie - 4 August 2014
Laddie Sure Looks Pawsome
From reading about Laddie and his predecessor Shane, a tri-color collie, they attend various  remembrances for various military history days, like the anniversary of WW I and VE Day.  Laddie wears a ceremonial jacket with the badges of the Royal British Legion.  He represents the service dogs that served in WW I and WW II.  We think it is pawsome that a collie represent the service dogs that served during these two wars. The impact of WW I (the Great War) still reverberates to this day.  The situations in both the Balkans and the Middle East have roots in WW I.  Austria-Hungary broke into many pieces and Turkey lost much territory and influence.
Laddie by the Memorial
A Good View Of the WW I / WW II Memorial
Dad sure thought those ceremonies were neat.  I sure wish I had a ceremonial jacket and was able to attend those ceremonies.

If you want to read more about Laddie and his predecessor Shane click the links below.  There is a pawsome video of a Laddie as a puppy.  Dad told me none of his collies have done anything like that in the video.
Shane - Link to Shane's Page
Laddie Puppy Video Link

Dog Speed,


PAW SSS - Thanks for the pawtographs Blue.


Headgirl said...

Excellent post with fine pawmanship there Sherman!
Glad you liked my photo's and found all the links re Laddie - funnily enough I thought after Chat that I should have sent them to you.
Pats & pets
Blue x

Dawn said...

Very cool!!

Dianne SS said...

What an interesting story!! Thank you for sharing this. Laddie looks very regal and proud in his Royal British Legion coat. We looked at the links for Shane and Laddie and we think they were/are proud of the mascot work they do. It was so nice to see Laddie and Shane attending some events together before Shane passed the torch to Laddie. great story!!

Duffy, Lanny, and Dianne

Pippa Sheltie said...

Wow, thanks for sharing this! I had never heard about Laddie, but he looks very handsome. What a great job he has!
Pippa :)