I continue to surprise Dog Dad. I had been whining so much when I was crated
at night, that he decided to let me sleep on the dog bed at the foot of his
bed. When I got on the bed, Dad would close the bedroom
door. He figured that he would crate train me
at night at a later date. I am okay if
he crates me and leaves, but I don’t like being crated when he is home. Sherman
has the choice to come in the room or stand guard outside the door.
Dad Wake Up, I Have To Go Outside |
This morning I felt the urge to go to outside. Dad was sleeping, so I quickly came up with a
plan. I stood up on my bed, put my front
paws on the foot of his bed and barked.
Dog Dad woke up, looked at the clock, 5:23 AM, and said “You need to go
out girl?” He got on his gym shorts and
took me outside, where I did my duty.
He was so proud of me. With that
little event, I may have escaped being crated at night.
Then Dog Dad fixed my morning meal and started putting
leash. I stood by him and sat down, so
he knew I wanted to go too. He smiled
and shook his head no. Sherman and Dog
Dad went for a walk, while I ate. When they got back he took me and Sherman for a walk around the block.
Inside The Colliemobile |
I See Adventures In My Life |
On Friday, I got a glimpse of Angel Paws. I didn't go potty, so Dad put me in the Collie Mobile and I got to travel to the park. Sherman got to go in the park and I got to walk outside. After about five minutes, I did my duty. Dad told me no park until I get older, sigh. I barked at the other pups and play bowed from the other side of the fence..
Dog Speed,