Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Miles Crosses The Rainbow Bridge

 One of our good pals crossed the rainbow bridge last night.  dad got a frantic call from his hooman saying Miles was having problems breathing and had thrown up.  Dad gave him the phone number to the vet in Marathon and his pal give Miles' Dad a 24 hour vet number at Big Coppit Key.  His human traveled quickly, but Miles crossed the bridge during the ride up.  We were sad to hear the news of his crossing.  We are sure that Essex, Deacon and Sherman greeted him as he crossed the bridge.
Miles -2012

Miles at Our House - 2014

Miles & Uncle Sherman - 2014
Miles was a pawsome pup that stayed with us several times when his hoomans couldn't take him on a trip.  Better to stay with pals, than at a kennel.  He stayed at the our house so he knew Essex, Sherman and myself from those stays.  Miles met Deacon and Normandy if he walked by Angel Paws with one of his hoomans.  
Gemini & Miles - 2018
We liked him a lot.  When Miles visited our home, he would go to Angel Paws.  At our house he would jump up on the window ledge to look outside.  He played more with Essex and Sherman when he was a pup, than he did with me.  

We know his hoomans will miss him badly.  I was hoping that he could tell Normandy tales about Essex and Sherman when he could stay with us.  Unfortunately, the trip his hoomans planned was cancelled by COVID.

Dog Speed Miles,



StevieGrrrWonder said...

Our furbabies mean a lot to us. We love them and it hurts when they pass. God bless Miles' owners and may the good Lord bring happy memories to mind, in time, to replace the tears.

Dawn said...

Awwww, I am SO sorry about Miles! He was adorable. His hoomans must be devastated. Such a loss.