Monday, March 22, 2021

Giving Dad A Scare Friday

We gave dad a good scare Friday.  He accidently left the gate open and we went exploring.  Dad figured that out after he took a shower.  Dad went down the various streets calling our name and whistling the "Lassie" tune to no avail.  He kept this up for over an hour.  He asked people walking down the street, riding bicycles and the garbage men (it was trash day) with no luck.

He said a prayer to God and the Great Dane fur our safe return.  He turns the corner and see the two of us wondering back home at the side of the road.  He gets the two of us and put us in the back of the collie mobile.  Then he gave us a big hug.  Dad wasn't angry, he was really glad to see us.  

He gave us our treats, told us we were getting a good brushing when he got back and went off towork.  When he got back, Normandy got a good brushing.  Then we went to Angel Paws.  Gemini a brushing on Saturday.  Below you can see all the seeds of the weed in our fur.  We would like to have another adventure, but don't think Dad will give us the chance.

Dog Speed,

Gemini & Normandy


Sheltie Times said...

Oh my what a scare you gave Dog Dad!!! Mom & Dad are incredibly paranoid about our gates getting left open but the one time we did get out we were waiting at the front door. Life outside seemed a little overwhelming.

So glad you guys got found safely.

Dawn said...

OMG!!!! I had to stop to breath at the beginning, couldn't even keep reading! That must have been horrible for Dog-Dad! You guys! But at least you two stuck together so it was safer for you both, and easier for dad to finally find you! I don't think he's going to let you wander off after this. Plus, I'm sure the brushing was no fun either. I am soooooo glad you are home safe and sound!

StevieGrrrWonder said...

Glad they're safe and your stress levels are back to normal 😊

Adele said...

Hi dog lover,

No matter what your dog’s problem behavior is…

Be it jumping, peeing inappropriately, aggression, pulling on the leash…or whatever…

There is ONE SOLUTION that can help STOP this problem now

The sad fact is…

Most Dog trainers miss this solution entirely.

They give you cookie cutting training programs.

They use outdated and ‘mean’ dominance techniques.

Or worse yet…

They have no qualifications and are complete phonies.

So what’s the answer to stopping your Dog’s behavior problems?

In 4 simple words…

Discovering your dog’s hidden intelligence.

Let me explain…

In my 10 years as a certified trainer…there’s ONE BIG LESSON I have learned.

More intelligent dogs are better behaved.

A More intelligent dog takes commands easier

…and understands what you need from them.

The good news is…

No matter how clever you think your dog is.

You can >>> Unlock their hidden intelligence quickly and easily.

You can >>> I’ll explain everything on this page.

Don’t waste a second longer coping with problem behaviors you don’t need to be dealing with.

PS Check out the brain training for Dogs course now. It’s great for eliminating any bad behaviors by tapping into your dog’s hidden intelligence.

PPS- check out the cool dog pictures on this page.