Well, cyber-paw pals we arrived safe and sound in Ohio. We are visiting Hattie and Cassie right now. This cool Ohio weather is pawtastic. We played with Clyde the last two days. We are having a barkarific time in the big yard that Hattie and Cassie get to play in. We even brought them some coconuts to play with. We will post more later.
Dog Speed,
Essex & Deacon
5 days ago
Essex! Deacon!
I bet you're both have a BLAST. I've never played with coconuts before... The must be fun, eh?
Glad to hear you made it okay and are playing with friends! I bet Ohio is a nice break for you collies. Have fun!
licks & slobbers
i've heard that some dogs have the skill to peel the coconut
dogmom says we can't read your blog again until you get back from Florida. She says something about missing Ohio and wishing we were there...
wuf ya!
gomer & opie
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