Well, the master bathroom is done. Don't we look just pawsome in the new shower? We are happy they are done. We love the quiet and this looks so much better than the old master bath.
Dad told us that new herricane shutters are being installed this week. No more putting up plywood for Dog Dad. He is getting the accordion type shutters, we know that he will be happy with the saving of both time and space when we have to board up the house.

We got a Kreativ Blogger award from Kess. Kess we love your blog too.
Here are the rules for passing on this award:
1. Post it on your blog and link to the person who gave it to you.
2. List 7 things you love
3. List 7 blogs you love
4. Email or comment on those blogs to let them know you've given them an award
Things we love:
Things we love:
1) Fence patrol
2) Cheese
3) Hearing Dog Dad whistle the "Lassie Tune," that usually means some type of treat.
4) Early morning walks
5) Seeing cousin Clyde and our friends Hattie & Cassie on our Ohio trips
6) Ice cream and ice cubes
7) Sleeping on the couch
Blogs we love:
Blogs we love:
4) Mack's Blog
5) Oorvi's Blog
We could name a lot more, but the list named seven. We love quite a few blogs but we will restrict sending it to every paw. Half the fun of getting an award is sharing it with some other paw.
Dog Speed,
Essex & Deacon
A two-collie shower!! How spectacular. And the slate is beautiful.
But more than the new bathroom -- we are so happy that you are getting accordion hurry cane shutters. They make a huge difference in the angst level all season!!
Thank you for the award! We'll post it whenever our HC-Bird gets tired of talking about everything he saw on our pawrents trip and we can come home from camp!!
xxx to Essex. So you think I'm hotter than Jake? Wowser. Wait till I tell him. He thinks he is so much more mature. Hah!!!
Just Harry
Did you get a bath in the new shower? That would be a sight to behold - 2 wet collies.
We don't get hurricanes in M'sia but we did see the movie Twister so we know that it gets pretty wild.
Congrats on the award. You guys sure were fast in posting it. Took me more than a week to put mine up :-)
Wow! It's loverly! My Mommy have always liked those titles. It makes the bathroom look cozy.
Solid Gold Dancer + Puppies
Yeah, it look totally pawsome!
~lickies, Ludo
that looks like the perfect shower for two collies - but where is dad dog going to have his showers....hmmm I guess there is always the hose outside :) :) :) Thank you for the award....most kind of you guys
Hi Essex and Deacon! I'm glad the bathrooms are done - wow, that shower looks beautiful! Congrats on the award!
See ya!
Joey and Zeke
THANK YOU I would like to thank the a-collie-demy and my parents, and The Girl, and...
DUDE that Shower LOOKS SO SCARY.... Baths are not ok with me.
OK Collies, Did you let your dad talk you into that joke about if a male dog barks in the forest and no one hears him is he still wrong????? Our Dad got a huuuuge kick out of that because he kind of thinks that's the way the world works!!! Wonder why??? BOL
Jake and JH
What great tile! We totally approve! Very beautiful. Thank you for the award. H-Mom will be right on it tomorrow. She has been very busy, considering that she is unemployed, lol ... she doesn't know where the time is going, but Madison seems to be especially tired lately! Too much walking, maybe? Clearing the head and the spirit?
We love your new bathroom! Mom says they had fiberglass shutters on Okinawa for the typhoons. They were green, so everyone looked a wierd color. But they worked. We are glad you are getting the shutters!
pee ess Congrats on the award!!!!
Love the shower...and more than the shower, the two beautiful collies:) I love your blog too - Congratulations on your award.
And thanks for passing it on to me:) I know I've been at my tardiest best for the last six (or more months), but everything's got a limit. As you probably know, the blame lies with Ms. Never-on-time Ms. Mercury - but now I've taken things into my own paws...she needs constant supervision (sigh!)
Licks n wags,
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