Trevor, the collie, crossed the Rainbow Bridge around 10 AM, Tuesday, 26 June at home in his sleep. Trevor lived a long full life with our cyber-paw pal Chuck in Michigan. Chuck reminds of Albert Payson Terhune, because he raises, writes about and loves collies. All this is very evident in his blog.
Dog Speed Trevor |
In many ways Chuck reminds us of Lil at Holmhaven. Both love the pups they bring into the world and love to hear about them after they leave to their new homes. Trevor was a special collies and helped see Chuck through difficult times. We know that having folks stop by helped Dog Dad a lot when our beloved Deacon crossed the bridge last year.
Chuck is not part of DWB, but if want to leave o comment for him, click the following hyper-link,
Collies of The Meadow. This is the blog where Chuck and his pack can be reached. The link takes you to a tribute to Trevor. Like many of us, the collies are family and they never really leave; because there is fur-ever a paw print in your heart.
Dog Speed,
Essex & Sherman