Thursday, January 31, 2013

Pet Blogger Challange

We noticed this on "All Things Collie" and have been meaning to take the challenge for some time.    Well, this is now some time.

1. When did you begin your blog?
June 2007

2. What was your original purpose for starting a blog?
The blog started at the encouragement of our friend Tosca, who has stopped blogging several years ago.  We wanted to keep a record of our lives and times and to write about things that interested us.  We have found the exchanging of information about pet products, vet visits and other things to be very useful.

3. Is your current purpose the same? If not, what’s different?
Purpose has changed very little.  We still write about the dog park, vet visits and the people we have met blogging or at the dog park.  We have expanded to include trips in the WABAC machine to talk about hysterical, er historical events that interest us.

4. How often do you post?
That has varied a lot.  Ideally we would like to post at least once a week.

5. Do you blog on a schedule or as the spirit moves you?
We post when the spirit moves us.
If you don’t publish on a schedule, why? How do you think your decision affects your audience? How do you know when a topic is “post-worthy?”
We post more for ourselves than our audience.  We are amazed that people enjoy what we write.  We try to post on the anniversary of historic events and love to travel in the WABAC machine.  Outside of that, we write about the dog park, or to log the things that have happened to us.   Our blog is not fur everyone, and Dog Dad is definitely eccentric.  Us Collies love him anyway.

6. How much time do you spend writing your blog per week?
That varies a lot.
How much time visiting other blogs?
We spend probably 10 - 12 hours a week reading our cyber-paw  friends blogs.

7. How do you measure the success of a post and of your blog in general (comments, shares, traffic)?
The success is when we like what we wrote after several months.  Dad will visit and think about when we first came to live with him, what happened in his life.  Success is also measure in the number of chums we have found along the way.
Do you look strictly at the numbers, or do you have a way of assessing the quality of those interactions?
We assess success by pawsons telling us they enjoyed our post or they remember where they were at the time. 

8. If you could ask the pet blogging community for help with one issue you’re having with your blog, what would it be?
How to convince blogger to stop changing how things work?  For example the new improved format actually makes posting pictures harder.

9. What goals do you have for your blog in 2013?
To keep blogging and chatting with our pals.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Remembering Paw Prints In The Snow

Dog Dad is in one of his remembering moods.  Grand Maw crossed the Rainbow Bridge five years ago today on Martin Luther King Day.  Memories flow in Dog Dads mind, cuts and scrapes being mended, a facsimile collie for Christmas, a smile, a kind word, the encouragement when the going got rough.  Dog Dad remembers talking to her about things and mulling over advice when he was an adult.  She liked both Deacon and I.  She and Grand Paw were the glue that held the family together.  They knew what each child needed.  After he left their den, Dog Dad would return at least once a year.  He came back to visit from places like Arkansas, Florida, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Texas, Virginia and South Korea. 
Grand Maw and Dog Dad's Sister Becky
Young Grand Maw
Dog Dad, Facsimile Collie, Sisters Marge & Alice
I remember Dog Dad packing in a hurry, getting Deacon and I in the truck, and the long drive north.  The weather was grey during most of that trip.  He told us that Grand Maw was in bad shape.  The drive was long and we just missed bad weather to reach Ohio.  When we arrived, Deacon and I saw snow for the first time.  We loved the snow and I hope one day Sherman can experience snow.  Dog Dad leaned on us and we leaned back.  He talked to us and held us.  We went for walks.  The normal pattern helps him cope.  The crossing was a double edge sword for him.  He misses Grand Maw, but was glad she was no longer suffering. 
Essex & Deacon On The Ride North
Deacon and I helped Dog Dad write the below poem in memory of Grand Maw and posted the poem a couple weeks after her crossing the Rainbow Bridge.  Dog Dad wants to share it again. 
Paw Prints In The Snow
We remember when we were little,
a time you were not frail and brittle.
As a pup, we were full of fire,
we ran and jumped to hearts desire.
Once we looked down by our toe,
To see a few small paw prints in the snow.

As time went by, we traveled far,
to distant shores, searching for our star.
We gazed at the silent moon above,
our hearts remembering those we love.
Looking back we saw the trail grow,
there were more paw prints in the snow.

At last came the time of your journeys end,
and we couldn’t join you around the last bend.
You huff and puff to cross one last ridge,
now you’ve crossed over the rainbow bridge.
Our loving heart will like an ember glow,
when we think of your paw prints in the snow.

(The Key West Collies)

Dog Speed,


Friday, January 18, 2013

Seeing Double

This afternoon we met Sir Oliver in pawson at Angel Paws.  He sure is a handsome fellow.  All three of collies got along fine.  Sir Oliver and Essex gave a quick sniff, but Sir Oliver and Sherman acted like two long lost brothers.  They were was chasing and wrestling within a couple minutes of meeting each other. 
Sherman & Sir Oliver Playing
They Look Like Twins
Can You Tell, Who is Who?
We're Having Fun Dad
Two Happy Pups
When you looked at the two of they looked like twins.  The age difference between the Sherman and Sir Oliver is only two months too.  We wish Sir Oliver could have stayed a couple weeks longer, but we enjoyed the hour we spent together.
Sir Oliver Sure Is Handsome
Looking At This End, You Look The Same
Dog Speed
Essex & Sherman 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Sir Oliver PPD Rain

No pictures and no meeting Sir Oliver today.  We got to Angel Paws and then it started raining.  We waited in our vehicle.

We saw each other through the windows, but that doesn't count as meeting in our book.  So our meeting is postponed due to rain, until tomorrow. Sigh.

Dad is going to set up a vet visit for Essex tomorrow.  She has a sprained paw.  Dad can tell because of the swelling.  She is due for her annual visit any paw.  She isn't thrilled because there will be no Fence Patrol in the near future.  Double sigh.

Hopefully pictures and fun tomorrow.

Essex & Sherman

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

16 January 2013

We are doing fine in Key West.  Dad's Brudder left way back on the 4th.  We miss the extra walks and treats.  Stevie-grrrr-Wonder commented on how big Sherman had grown.  He called Sherman Deacon more than once, which made us laugh.  Sherman didn't care, he just liked the extra attention.
Essex & Sherman Definitely Get Along
Dad chuckled at both of us.  First when he saw Sherman sleeping with his head under the dresser.  Then when at Essex, when she looked up at him with one ear was up and the other ear down.
Sherman Fast Asleep
Essex - One Ear Up, One Ear Down
Sherman's fur continues to grow in.  The whole spot is covered with fur, but it will take a couple more months before it will completely fill in.  Sigh.  He had hoped that it would have grown in by the time Sir Oliver came for his visit.  We are really looking forward to seeing him tomorrow.
Sherman's Coat Is Looking Better
The search for Dixie continues.  We pray and hope she will come home.  If we hear anything, we'll post.  Chuck and the Collies of the Meadow have done a pawsome job of getting the news out.  For more information about Dixie look at our earlier post Lost Collie Alert.
Another Pawtograph Of Dixie
Dog Speed,

Essex & Sherman 

Monday, January 7, 2013

Sir Oliver Is Coming

We’re excited folks.  Our cyber-pal Sir Oliver e-barked us that he is going to visit Key West in a couple weeks.  We are so excited that we were chasing our tails.  

Sir Oliver and His Pal Kodiak Sitting Pretty
This Bed Isn't Quite Right
There Pawfectly Arranged
Sherman and Sir Oliver both filled big holes in their packs life.  Sherman filled the hole left by Deacon's Rainbow Bridge Crossing.  Sir Oliver filled the hole left in his hoomans hearts after Ben the White Collie crossed the Rainbow Bridge.  Sir Oliver is two months older than Sherman, so they should get along pawfectly. 

This is going to be pawsome.

Essex & Sherman 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Lost Collie Alert

We were reading our chums at the "Collies Of The Meadow" and yesterday he had a post about a missing collie.  Dog Dad would be frantic if we were missing, so we wanted to send out an alert too.

Dixie has been missing since December 2, 2012 from Reidsville, Georgia. She went missing off of hwy 121 outside Tison, near Glennville GA. Dixie is a full blooded mahogany female Sable Rough Coat Collie girl. She was last seen wearing a pink collar with a heart tag with her name, address and phone number. She is 4 years old and has been spayed. If you have seen her or know of someone with a new dog that looks like Dixie please call Dixie’s mommy at (912) 334-9735.
Dixie’s 10 year old little girl misses her very much! There is a reward for her safe return. Please share these pictures with anyone you know.  More information pictures of Dixie can be found at

If the above number does not answer try Glendale Farm Collies at 478-454-5427.

Dixie Posing
Dixie Side View
Our thoughts and prayers are with Dixie and her pack. 

Essex & Sherman

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 In Review

We wish all our cyber-paw pals a Barky New Year and hope every paw has good luck in 2013, "The Year of the Snake."  We continue to go to Angel Paws and have fun.  The 2012 was not very good year for many people. 

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17 February - Sherman gets neutered.

25 February - We stumble upon the Collies of the Meadow.  Both Dog Dad's have similar interests.

29 February - After several days trying to figure how to save our guest book.  We start on the 29th and finish saving it on the 5 March.  We e-bark how we did it Brooke and Greg to pass on to others at DWB.

25 March - We research and do a story about the Interceptor Shortage

06 May - We post about the Terhune Stamp Petition.

01 June - Dr Waddell tells Dog Dad that Sherman has ear mites.

27 June - Trevor of Collies of the Meadow crossing the Rainbow Bridge.
20 July - The shooting at Aurora Colorado Movie Theater occur.

05 August - Ella of Two Collies and a Mutt crosses the Rainbow Bridge.
16 August - Sherman's best pal Leo departs for Maine.  We miss you Leo.
Leo & Sherman Playing
25 August - Mr. Armstrong, a great and good man, crosses the rainbow bridge.

26 August - Tropical Storm Issac passes Key West

15 September - Dad gets a CPAP Mask, when the machine arrives we not a lot more active Dog Dad.
23 October - Our 400th Post.

27 October - Miles spends a night with the collies.

29 October - Hurricane Sandy.

30 October - Dave of the Moondance Huskies Crosses the Rainbow Bridge.
02 November - Sherman's bald spot.

24 November - Essex gets a bad sprain.

29 November - Lady II crosses the Rainbow Bridge.
Lady II
14 December - Sandy Hook Elementary School Shootings.

20 December - Dad's Brudder arrives to visit.

21 December - Terhune's 140th Barkday
= = = = = = =

By Dog there was a lot of bad things that happened in 2012.  We sure hope 2013 brings a lot more happiness.

Dog Speed,

Essex & Sherman