I wish all our cyber-paw pals a Barky New Year. We hope 2020, "The Year of the Rat" is good to every paw. 2019 had some good memories, but November's bridge crossing of Uncle Sherman will make it a sad year for the tow of us. We look forward to new adventures and the arrival of a sable Holmhaven puppy in the spring. We will continue to visit Angel Paws and meeting new friends.
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06 January - Highway 1 near Malibu, California is closed due to mudslides, snow and flooding.
20 January -
Sasha, the Rat Terrorist, a Angel Paws Dog Park pal of Essex and Deacon crosses the Rainbow Bridge.
Sasha |
02 February - Heavy monsoon rains cause severe flooding in Queensland, Australia damaging over 3,300 homes. Around 1,500 of those homes are rendered uninhabitable.
26 February -
We receive a pawtastic collie figurine from Angel Dog Sasha's Mom
Collie Figurine |
28 February - Our cyber-pals, the Moondance Huskies, in Connecticut return home after a year. There home was severely damaged in a fire 22 January 2018.
06-16 March - Cyclone Idal strikes Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Malawi and Madagascar over 1200 hoomans cross the Rainbow Bridge and impacts over 3 million hoomans..
12 March - The Department of Justice announces over 50 people arrested in the college admissions bribery scandal.
02 April -
Gemini's flexi-leash breaks.
15 April - Notre Dame Cathedral catches fire.
28 May -
Dayton Tornadoes - Brudder and cats okay
05 June -
Sherman turns eight and we get new dog bowls.
Sherman Eighth Barkday |
06 June -
75th Anniversary of D-Day.
Dad's Pawther by a D-Day Tank in Normandy |
20 July - 50th Anniversary of Moon Landing.
11 August - Lakota of the Moondance Huskies crosses the Rainbow Bridge
Lakota |
01 September - Hurricane Dorian devastates the Bahamas
12 September -
We meet Lewis & Clarke at Angel Paws.
Lewis & Clarke |
24 September - Impeachment Inquires of US President start.
28 September -
We get a Dog Ramp for the Colliemobile.
Dog Ramp |
10 October - Wild fires start in Riverside and Los Angeles counties, California burn over 12,000 acres
23 October - Wild fires start in Sonoma county California burn over 77,000 acres
04 November -
Sherman crosses the Rainbow Bridge.
Sherman & Gemini |
12 November -
Denny of the Cowspot Dogs crosses the Rainbow Bridge.
18 November -
Dad receives stuffed lassie toy from sisters.
Stuffed Lassie Toy |
26 November - 6.4 earthquake in Albania kills over five hoomans and injures over 3,000.
27 November -
Reilly the Cowspot Dog crosses the Rainbow Bridge.
Reilly and Denny |
06 December - Dad jury rigs the mixer so he can finish Essexmas baking.
15 December - Kodiak (the Golden Retriever) of Sir Oliver crosses the Rainbow Bridge.
Sherman and Essex met Sir Oliver in 2013.
Kodiak and Sir Oliver |
16 December -
Kenzie and Remi come to live with Cowspot Dogs' pawrents, helping fill a huge hole.
Kenzie and Remi (on top) |
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As you can see it was quite a busy year. I need to post some pictures of our Angel Paws dog pals. We have two pals named Dorey and Brady. They show up quite often at the park. Their Mom is from Ohio like Dad. Dorey is a rescue from Hurricane Dorian. I am looking forward to a new Holmhaven collie puppy joining our pack this year. We will keep you posted after the pup is born.
Barky New Year to all,