Monday, November 4, 2019

Sherman Crosses The Bridge

It is with great sadness the I report my Uncle Sherman crossed the Rainbow Bridge today at the Marathon Veterinary Hospital.  I can imagine him running over to Essex and meeting Deacon for the first time.

As you know Friday we went to Marathon.  On Saturday we visited Sherman and he looked a lot better.  Sunday morning we get a call and Sherman can't move his front paws and the Doc asks to use a catheter.  Dad tells them yes and is then informed more tests will be done Monday.  Dad is worried.  The call comes Monday morning that Sherman is paralyzed and will not recover.  He is eating though.  Dad knows that Sherman will need assistance in crossing the rainbow bridge.  As much as he loves the big guy, he could never keep him bed ridden.

We arrive at Marathon about 3:10 PM.  We are amazed that Sherman is totally alert and clear eyed.  He can move his head, but his legs are not working.  Dad lays down with him and Sherman gives him a ton of collie kisses.  Dad lets him go on for minutes.  He tells Sherman how much we loves him, and that we will miss him so much.  Sherman smiles and licks Dad some more.

Last Pawtograph of Sherman & Gemini Together

The vet comes in and talks to Dad.  She tells Dad Sherman has lymphoma and explains the process of helping him cross over.  Sherman gets a sedative while Dad talks to him and strokes his fur.  At 4:15 PM Sherman crossed the Rainbow bridge and will be missed.  Heaven has gained a gentle giant with a huge heart.
4:15 PM - Sherman Has Crossed The Rainbow Bridge
I'll write more later.  Right now I'll need to keep Dad company and give him plenty of collie kisses.

Dog Speed,



Brian's Home Blog said...

We are so sad to hear about your dear Sherman, we were so hopeful and I know you were too. It's never ever easy and we send love and hugs your way. Run free dear Sherman, you earned it buddy.

Dawn said...

I am heartbroken for you all. I am so sorry that I haven't kept up, huge hugs to you both. I'm so glad you have your girl to comfort you.

Dawn said...

I thought about you all night. Looking at these pictures this morning I can see that Sherman was very uncomfortable. I'm sad you had to let him go, but I know he's hanging out with Deacon and Essex and they are sending love your way. Hugs.

Jans Funny Farm said...

So very, very sorry about Sherman. Each time we lose one, we lose a piece of our hearts. But I think we gain a piece of theirs. Warm hugs from all here.

ThePainterPack said...

We have not blogged in a long time. But we are so very sorry to hear this news. We always enjoyed your blogs so much. Hugs from us all.

Beth and Betty said...

Joe and Gemini,
I am saddened to hear that Sherman has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I miss our Sunday morning chats. <3

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We read about your loss of Sherman on Facebook and, eve though, we have never visited you before, we wanted to stop by and pay our respects. We know the pain that goes with each and every loss.

Soft woofs, purrs, and neighs,
Ollie, Tama, Genji, Vidock and Violette of The Poupounette

Duke said...

We are so very sorry to hear about Sherman. It's so hard to lose a precious furkid. Hugs to you♥

Sheltie Times said...

We've been awake from blogging for a bit and didn't know you were going through all this.

We are so sad to hear about Sherman but so glad he had your Dog Dad with him to see him over the breed.

Peace and healing prayers for all of you.

Cowspotdog said...

am so sorry that you lost sherman but understand that was the best thing for him.

Dawn said...

Hi there, wanted to let you know that Bree's Denny crossed the bridge last week, and Reilly is not doing well at all and may follow him soon. :(

StevieGrrrWonder said...

Sorry I could not post until now....technical issues with this pain in the ass smartphone!

I'm so very sorry to hear of Sherman's passing. It's so sad when we lose a beloved pet. I know cuz I've been there. They've been with us for so long and through a lot of things that only a pet can help with. No words can make things better, but know that we are praying for you and hoping that you're feeling better and healing. God bless you and hang in there!

onecollie said...

I'm so sorry to hear this :(