While we miss our old pals, we have met so new ones. Today we met Nieco, a happy four-month old husky puppy. He played a bit with Deacon. Essex let the pupster know that she was the Secretary of Da Fence, but she is pretty good with puppies. We hope to see a lot more of Nieco. Another new dog is Jethro, a Redbonene Coonhound. Jethro and Rocky are real good pals, both seem to have the same disposition.
Nieco, the four-month old Huskie Puppy
Jethro looks on
There are still some old pals at Angel Paws. Sasha, the Rat Terrorist, still likes to get after other dogs. Sasha has never tried to cross Essex though. Sasha doesn't rough house with Deacon as much now.
Sasha, the Rat Terrorist
The tiles between the cabinets and granite counter top have been put in. They have yet to be grouted, be things are looking pretty pawsome. Stove, dishwasher and microwave are due in Saturday. The electrician should put in the new outlets tomorrow or Saturday. Things are looking good and we are ready for those projects to end.

Dog Speed,
Essex & Deacon