Our cyber paw friend Charlie frequently has pawsome ideas and this is one of them. She started the first ever all-animal lyric-writing bee!
Here are the specs:
Using the song "From Both Sides Now" as a model, write your own lyrics for one or more verses that reflects your life and views as an animal, then post them on your blog, link
back to Charlie's DogBlog, then stop by and leave Charlie a comment that you've participated. No time limit, and no tagging necessary, just spread the news by patter of paw, linking to Charlies post. TELL YOUR FRIENDS TELL YOUR HUMANS TELL EVFURRYBODY!
Our version is below, we hope you enjoy it.

Woofs and tufts of shaggy tail,
On a mission we will not fail,
Things to chase everywhere,
We have Angel Paws to defend.
But the tourists now are few
Disappear like morning dew
All are leaving right on cue.
The dog park we defend
We chase trailers passing by,
Then bid evil golf carts good bye,
We won’t see them until the fall
Then again the fence will call.
Now the humans they are few
Where they've gone we’ve not a clue
So we just have to sit and wait
‘til someone passes by our gate
June, July and August heat
We sure look for an icy treat
No we don’t chase a silly ball,
We just wait until the fall
Then we no longer play pretend
Again the park we defend
We bark at things passing by
All framed by an azure sky
So we chase them left and right,
Give them all a dog gone fright
It's collie dogs now in control
And collie dogs love fence patrol.
So we chase them left and right,
Bark till they are out of sight
It's collie dogs now in control
And collie dogs love fence patrol.