Auntie Essex has really enjoyed her Barkday. We woke up for our early morning walk. Dad of course sang "Happy Barkday" to her and kissed her on the nose before our walk. Then we had some special Barkday Pup-Cakes Auntie Marge, Dad's sister got for us. Next we went to Pet Smart. We met several other dogs, but no dogs with blogs. We wish that Key West had a Pet Smart. After that we had more dog treats and then went to visit our Ohio Collie Paw-Pals, Hattie and Cassie. We had fun running, playing and wishing Auntie Essex a Happy Barkday.
This sure is a lot more fun than Paw-latics. If you get a chance stop by and wish Thor a happy Barkday. Thor is celebrating Barday number two, while this is lucky number five for Essex.
Dog Speed,
Special Barkday Pup-Cakes
Deacon enjoying a Pup-Cake

Essex enjoys a chewy Barkday treat
We wish Key West had a Pet Smart
Essex, Hattie, Cassie and Deacon