Dear Great Great Nephew Deacon,
I hope you had fun celebrating your one year anniversary living with Essex and Dog Dad. I can tell you really are enjoying yourself.
My family takes good care of me. The following pictures are of me in the family SUV. My Dog Mom and Dad put my electric bed inside to keep me warm and hand fed me. As Rocket would bark, “Life is Good.”
Great Great Uncle Bobby (AKA Holmhaven Bobbing Brown Beau)
Great Great Uncle Bobby taking a nap
Bobby catching some Zzzzzs.
Dear Great Great Uncle Bobby,
Yes it has been a whole year since I came here. When I arrived I was three pounds lighter than Essex. Now I outweigh her by 30 lbs. She is still the boss though. We get along fine and play from time to time. Dog Dad loves watching us play. I get along well with both the small dogs and the big dogs at Angel Paws.
I was named Deacon because my Hooman Grand Paw drove around a chaplan during WW II in Europe. I remind Dad of family, home in Ohio, and the stories his father told him. Grand Paw is really nice and loves all of us.
I feel so lucky that I chose to live with Auntie Essex. I remember being at Holmhaven and in walks a nice guy and a frisky female collie. I warmed right up to the two of them. My Dad Buddy was so happy to see his sister Essex and told me to mind Auntie Essex. It felt so right to be with them. I love going Angel Paws, playing with the other dogs there and chilling out with Dog Dad.

Me at Holmhaven
December 2006, chilling with Essex
All grown and bigger than EssexA Smooth Collie named Tatum contacted us yesterday. She is sable and white like me and lives in Utah. We mentioned Dogs With Blogs and our Collie friends there. She liked meeting Tosca. Those smoothies sure are cute looking. Tatum will make a fine new cyber-paw friend.
Our newest friend Tatum.
Dog Speed,