We just got a sad call from Georgia. We could hear the strain and sorrow in the voice. Lady II has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Her Dog Mom is having a problem posting to their blog, so we will do a short post for her now.
Lady II |
Essex knew Lady II well. During drives to Ohio, the pack would stop to visit their pack in Georgia. Lady I and II lived in Key West, and got together with Essex and Deacon at Angel Paws several times. The first time was in 2007, shortly after we started our blog.
Lady I, Deacon, Essex and Lady II at Angel Paws |
In fact Dog Dad was thinking of adopted Lady I, but their Dog Mom adopted her before Dog Dad had a chance to go see her at the SPCA. Know then Lady II did not have an easy life early on. She did find a really pawsom home in the end. We can think of very few better homes.
Lady II, Santy Paws and Lady I |
We feel very sad for their pack. Their Dog Mom has a very big heart and we know this is very hard on her. If you get a chance stop by and visit their blog and drop their pack a kind word. Here is the link to their blog
http://dscollies.blogspot.com/. Hopefully, their Dog Mom can get her blog working to do an even better post soon.
Dog Speed Lady II. We are sure that Deacon is waiting at the gate to greet his friend.
Furever your friends,
Essex, Sherman and Dog Dad