I hope all of you have a happy 4th of July. Today, I want to share a tail from the dog park. Angel Paws Dog Park has proven to be a place full of kindred souls and a wealth of dog stories. On Monday, 19 March 2007 an older gentleman parked his car and stopped to see and talk to me. Naturally, Dad came on over. The man explained that he and his wife had a soft spot for tricolor collies. Dogs can feel kindness and warmth of a person and that quality surged like a tidal wave. He paused and next told us the tail of Holly.

A young female tricolor chose their family when his children were very young. They named her Holly. He softly chuckled, recalling she was frequently referred to as "Holly the Collie." The day he and the wife went to the breeder mom, their hearts were set on a sable and white collie like Lassie or my nephew Deacon. They didn't know collies came in other colors. When he saw Holly, he asked what type of dog the strange colored puppy was. He was amazed to find out the puppy was a collie. Well, Holly recognized her forever family. The little tricolor female came right over and stole their hearts. At the tender age of two months, Holly left her litter mates and went home with them.
As Holly grew, she played with the kids, kept a watchful collie eye on them, and proved a loyal and loving companion. Holly’s love and devotion resulted in their daughter becoming a vet and a male tricolor adopting his sons family. He relayed one time when Holly was with him in town a small child tugged on his mother's sleeve, pointed and shouting excitedly "Look Mommy, its Lassie from the old Black and White TV shows."
Holly spread love, joy and happiness for 15 long years. His voice grew quiet and strained as he recalled the time when Holly's health had severely deteriorated and she was in pain. It was hard but after much discussion it was decided to let her go. It was with much sorrow they did this and their daughter was the vet that assisted her with the trip over the Rainbow Bridge.
Sensing Holly had meant so very much to him, I uncharacteristically nudged Dad to pick me up so the man could pet me. I normally put up a fuss but was quiet while the strange man stroked me. Every stroke and touch told me he was thinking of his little tricolor girl that had passed away so long ago and had meant so very much to his family.
Deacon and I must have been reminiscing a little too loud because I can hear Dad coming. If the man reads this story, we want him to know his story touched our hearts and will now touch many more. When the time comes for us to cross the Rainbow Bridge, we hope Holly the Collie will be among those that greet us with wagging tails.
Dog Speed,