We just got the rest of the story cyber-paw pals. PJ was hurt a little worse than we thought, but he will pull through with flying colors. He had a big gash around the neck that required stitches and was bitten in a couple other places. He will have a tube in his neck for about a week. The damage surprised us because there wasn't any blood.
The nearest vet that would see PJ was a hour drive and it was after hours. The total vet bill was around $600. Somehow the local SPCA got wind of it and they have Cesar on double secret probation. Cesar is only eight months old, so they are concerned that such a young dog was in such serious altercation.
By the Great Dane, we are glad PJ is okay and hope Cesar makes it through double secret probation. It wasn't a good day at the dog park yesterday. We will bark our cyber-paw pals on future developments.
Dog Speed
Essex & Deacon
2 days ago
sorry to hear about ur accident...
i hope every1 is fine now.....becareful next time...
We are so sorry to hear about your frieind and hope he is feeling better soon.
Just wanted to stop in and say it was very nice to meet you at Momo's picnic yesterday. Hope you had as much as we did.
Hugs from Italy!
Opus and Roscoe
Oh my, I stopped in to make sure that you got home OK from the picinic and read your post. You must have been so upset? Did this happen after the picinic? I sure hope PJ is resting well today and that Ceasar is getting better. I don't think the dog park is a place I would want to go to. Too scary. Anyway it was so nice to meet you yesterday, I think you are all so nice. Keep in touch.
Nice meeting you and thankyou so much for coming to visit us at the uni. Glad to hear that PJ is going to be OK.
We kitties will definitely steer clear of the dog park and keep to indoor parties instead.
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