Monday, January 30, 2012

Busy Days

We are still alive and doing well.  We have just been busy.
We miss having Dad's brudder around.  We enjoyed having him visit us during the Essexmas Holiday Season.  It meant more treat, more walks, more attention, did we say more treats.  Sherman was looking for him after he left. 

Sherman and Brudder Steve
Dad was busy weeding the yard and spraying for ticks.  We are definitely finding less of them.  Dad knows it will be an ongoing war against the evil ticks. 
Ollie, Leo and Sherman tugging on a stick
Sherman was attacked twice by a yellow Labrador Retriever named Major at the dog park.  No serious injuries, just worried dog parents.  The second time, Sherman was trying to stay away and hiding under the park bench.  It might be because Sherman hasn't been fixed yet.  Major has definitely taken a dislike to him though.  Most of the other pups just love him.  We just practice avoidance.
Sherman resting
Sherman has returned to puppy prison.  He decided to not bother to hold his poop.  Dad figured one time he ran lots late, but several times made him decide Sherman didn't care.  So Sherman is now kennelled during the day.  When Dad comes home, he lets us outside before we go to the park.  If he sees Sherman go, both of us get a reward.  Dad hopes this sinks into Sherman's head to hold on till Dad gets home.
Cheddar Collies in the Oven
Cheddar Collies & Peanut Butter Labs

We will try to post again soon.

Essex & Sherman

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2011 Review

We wish all our cyber-paw pals a barky New Year.  We hope 2012, the Year of the Dragon is kind to every paw.   For us 2011 was a difficult year, colored by the premature passing of Deacon.  On the bright side Sherman was introduced to our pack.  Good friends like Sasha, Max, Duke and Gino have left Key West.  New friends like Tonks, Kiana, Raman and Gibbs are new regulars at Angel Paws now.  Now for the Key West Collies 2011 recap.
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18 January – Silly hooomans incident at Angel Paws

09 February– Our Collie Chum Hattie Crosses the Rainbow Bridge

Our Chum Hattie
22 February  – Christchurch, New Zealand is struck by a 6.3 earthquake.  We read about it in the Bark-a-lot Lodge Shelties blog which includes a pawsome video clip.

27 February  – The Collie next door Kylie leaves to live with her Grand-Maw

04 March – Deacon gets tagged on the snout at Angel Paws over dog treats

09 March – Sasha, the Rat Terrorist. leaves Key West for North Florida
11 March – Japan is struck by a 9.0 earthquake and struck by a tidal wave.  Fukushima nuclear power plant is damaged.  The confirmed death toll reaches 15,844 with 3,451 missing. 

26 April - Gracie Lou joins our collie chum Cassie’s pack in Ohio.
Gracie Lou
22 May – Joplin, Missouri is devastated by a tornado.

27 May – Great sadness descends on our pack as Essex’s nephew Deacon crosses the bridge in a freak tragic accident at our home.
05 June – Essex’s great nephew, Sherman is born.

13 June – Christchurch, New Zealand is struck by a 6.4 Earthquake.

24 June – Essex’s great nephew Shiloh signs our guest book.  Sherman brother Dakota later goes to live with Shiloh 
04 July – Sir Oliver e-barks us from Maine and we post about him four days later. 
Sir Oliver
05 July– Dog Dad’s sisters dog Raffie Crosses the Rainbow Bridge.
09 July – Shiloh starts his own blog.

18 July – Last Space Shuttle launch into outer space.

22 July – Great Uncle Bobby’s Mom visits Essex & Dog Dad
Great Uncle Bobby's Dog Mom & Essex
 03 August – Lucy the Smooth Collie Crosses the Bridge
06 August – Sherman comes to Key West to join our pack.  One brudder Dakota joined Shiloh’s pack in central Florida, while his sable Brudder Duke went to live in North Carolina.

Essex, Sherman & Dog Dad
21 – 28 August – Hurricane Irene slams the east coast of the United States.

17-19 October – Heavy Rains hit Key West.  Lots of street flooding occurs.

21 October – Claudette, the Dog Mom of the Hudson Furkids crosses the Rainbow Bridge due to cancer.  She is greatly missed by many DWBers. 

27 October – 17 November – Lady I and her Dog Mom visit us in Key West.
Lady I
29 October – Snow and Ice storm hit the east coast.  Our pal Skye is without power for 4.5 days

05 December – Essex catches giardia, we get medicine from our Vet.

19 December – The beginning of the “Tick Wars.”

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We didn't realize so much happened in 2011 until we sat down and did this post.  May the lord protect and watch over all of you.

Dog Speed,

Essex, Sherman and Dog Dad