Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Gemini - Nine Year Barkaversay

 Just like Dad say, today was my special day.  It was my nine year barlaversary.  Nine years ago, Dad and Uncle Sherman picked me up and brought me to Key West.   Dad sang Happy Barkaversary to me and we got extra treats in the morning and fur supper.  We both had to lick Dad's face. 

Dad talked about picking me up from Holmhaven, the drive to our home in Key West and how much Uncle Sherman loved me.  I thought of those early days as Dad gave me a hug.  Uncle Sherman taught me so much.  He kept a watchful eye on me.  It is pawtastic to live in a home where you are loved.

Sherman & Gemini at Holmhaven on her Gotcha Day

In the Collie-mobile Heading to Key West

Gemini's First Meal at Home
 Dog Speed,


Monday, September 2, 2024

Cookies & Locks

 We hope everypaw is doing well.  Things are going fine here.  Our good pal Chucho is going to leave Key West on Wednesday.  We will miss him.  His Dog Parents made Dad some cookies to eat.  We loved the creative artwork, that reminds us of Chucho.

The second item is the gate lock.  Dad is checking it because it is just being looped on the fence.  Dad makes sure it connects better and is not loose.  He doesn't want making a mad dash.  Hope they find the key and start locking it again.

Dad intends to post again on Wednesday, because it is a special day.  Wonder what is special and if we will get extra treats!

Dog Speed,

Gemini & Normandy

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Seeing Double

Bowsers cyberpaw pals, Dad thought he was seeing double.  This is a pawtograph of us and two collies that live near us.  We catch them every now and then when they go for their walk.  We had just gotten back from visiting Angel Paws when we saw Ferguson and Rigsbee.  Boy, were they excited to see us.  As you can tell the two boys are bigger than us.   Our hoomans talked a little.  Dad found out that their Mom lived with a Holmhaven collie that crossed the bridge more than a decade ago.  She said we looked like that pup.  

Back on 20 May Gemini tore some skin around ger front tooth.  Dad thinks the round thing that held Normandy's dog tags was the culprit.  Norm had gotten it stuck on something awhile back and it got bent out of shape.  He figures while they were playing the skin in the mouth was torn.  Gem wasn't in pain and it wasn't bleeding much.  Dad decided to visit our Vet and get some anti-biotics.  He didn't want an infection to set in.  Gemini is doing fine.
You can see the torn skin near the bottom front.

Dog Speed,

Gemini & Normandy

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Gemini Is Nine

I woke up this morning with Dad singing happy barkday to me.  He told me that I am nine years.  Bowsers, that is hard to believe.  It seems like yesterday that I was born.  Dad went to work, but we went to our favorite place when Dad got back home.  Angel Paws have been a place of many a good time.  Below are two pawtographs from Angel Paws.  You can see Normandy in the background in one of them.

Dog Speed

Gemini (The Barkday Girl)

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Normandy Turns Four

"Creeeeeeek."  Boy, this place sure is dusty.  We keep meaning to post, but never seem to get to it.  Dad gets busy doing one thing or another.

Waking Up to Dad Singing Happy Barkday

Well, the big news is that Norm turned four today.  Me and Dad still remember the rambunctious puppy.  We got extra cheese and treats today too.  Lots of pets and belly rubs too.
Gem & Norm Resting Side by Side

Dad and Gemini still remember when Norm was born.  I was excited at the thought of having another pup around.  As you can tell we get along with each other.

Dog Speed,

Gemini & Normandy

Monday, January 1, 2024

2023 in Review

2023 was an interesting year for us.  A year of scares and sighs of relief.  Dad is still a masker and keeps quoting the Lone Ranger.   "Who was that masked man.  We spent quite a bit of time at Angel Paws.

- - - - - - - - -

Drone Photo by National Transportation Safety Board

16 February - Tim McCarver crosses the rainbow bridge.  Dad loved listening to him talk baseball. 

13 March - Joe Pepitone crosses the rainbow bridge.  He was one of Dad's favorite players as a kid.
Joe Pepitone

Essex Rooting Fur the Browns

Gemin & Normandy Celebrate

8 August - Maui Wildfire.

28 August - Dad and Normandy travel north to Lead ER.  Gemini stays with Chucho.

30 August - Dad and Normandy return home.

6 September - Norm is normal. (no more since return)

Brooks Robinson

05 October - President's Dog Commander has left the White House.

7 October - Hamas attacks Israel

Henry Kissinger

31 December - Twentieth Barkaversary of Essex's Gotcha Day.

= = = = = = 

Quite a bit occurred in 2023.  Now we will be starting the year of the Dragon.  What eever goes on, we will be with our pack.

Dog Speed,

Gemini & Normandy

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Today Twenty Years Ago

Bowser, where has time went.  We've been meaning to post, but there has not been much to post about.  
Essex Explores Her Yard for the First Time
Dad was telling us about 20 years ago.  If you read this blog, you know that Essex came to live with Dad 23 December 2003.  He told us how he had called Lil earlier to set up a pickup date.  The drive up to Miami and back.  Meeting Essex for the first time.  How when he was pulling out of Holmhaven how she tried to crawl up his arm to go out the window.  He calmed her with his steady soothing voice.  
Check To See If Any Pup Lives Next Door
They got out of the car halfway home, so Essex could take a potty break.  When the got home, she explored her yard.  The tiny pup grew up to be an outstanding collie.  As Dad gets misty eyed, he gives us both a hug and prepares for our visit to Angel Paws.  
Essex's Holmhaven Puppy Pawtograph
We'll keep Dad company tonight and he'll protect us from the booming fireworks.  Hope everypaw has an awesome New Years.

Dog Speed,

Gemini and Normandy