We hope every paw had a barky Easter. Dad went out to eat at Tonks' and Kiana's house to eat. We could tell because he smelled like them. Dad baked a cake to bring. It is shaped like a lamb. He told us that when he was a little boy, grand-maw would make an Easter Lamb Cake. He uses raisins for the nose & eyes, and a cherry for the mouth. At the meal there were the huskies' pawrents, Brooke & Sidney's pawrents, and Enzoe's Mom & Dad. The humans had fun and talked, while we got to stay home.
The Lamb Cake |
Looks Good |
Dad has been in a grumpy mood, but Essex tells me that is usual when he does taxes. We are glad they don't have a dog tax and that Dog Dad finished his this weekend.
Essex is Vigilant at the Fence |
Leo Catches his Breath |
Sherman Lays Down by the Water Bowl |
Sherman and Leo Share a Bowl of Water |
Joel & Red headed north to Maryland about two weeks ago. Essex is still doing fence patrol. Sherman still plays and especially love hanging out with his pal Leo. Sherman comes home tired when he plays with Leo.
Dog Speed,
Essex & Sherman
Hi! New follower here! What a cute lamb cake! Happy Easter! Stop by and see us! http://raisingrama.blogspot.com/
We got to go over to the neighbor's for Easter dinner--well one of us was inside and the other of us had to stay outside on the patio. One little girl has allergies. We'll let you guess which one was inside eating and having all the fun!!
We like the lamb cake! Happy Easter Key West gang!!
Duffy and Dianne
Essex and Shewman
Thank dog us doggies don't have to do stoopid things like taxes..it would make us gwumpy too..much bettew to have fence patwol and play time wif fwiends..that lamb cake looked bootiful and bet it was delicious. Mommi didn't bake, didn't know evewything would be closed fow days cause they take holidays vewy sewiously hewe, heheh
smoochie kisses
Cool cake. Taxes seem to bring on the grumpies.
WOw! Dog Dad is talented! What a cake!
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