Monday, August 26, 2013

2013 - Sherman - Annual Vet Visit

Saturday Sherman went for his annual physical.  Essex went along for moral support. 
Sherman Taking It Easy
Sherman weighed in at 78 lbs. and is doing pawsome.  Sherman did receive his distemper shot.  The worst part of the visit was that our Vet told Dad that Sherman had to take it easy.  No Dog Park Saturday.  Sigh.

We did get to play a lot Sunday and Monday though.

Dog Speed,

Essex & Sherman


Dawn said...

Glad Sherman has a clean bill of health!

Cowspotdog said...

that is a lot of sherman - he has grown into a big beautiful boy !

StevieGrrrWonder said...

Boy, Sherms, u weigh almost as much as Deac now. Sorry about the dog park Sat...good thing is that it's over and u r healthy and won't have the doc pokin' at u until next yr....