Essexmas baking was interesting this year. The piece that kept the mixer on the stand broke. Dog Dad jury-rigged the mixer with outstanding results. He took some string, made a loop and tied it to the kitchen cabinet handle and put the handle in the loop. It worked pawsomely.
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Jury-Rigged Mixer |
As fur me, I am paying extra attention to Dad, since Uncle Sherman crossed the bridge. Dad doesn't go back to work until 6 January, so I plan to enjoy having him around.
Merry Essexmas
Glad your Christmas went well and you're off until 6 Jan. Sorry your mixer broke, but equally impressed of how u jerry-rigged it into working. It's true that mixer has seen better days and has some history behind it. My first mixer was a Sunbeam from 1998 that I purchased at Walmart for $99 plus tax. I gave it away to a friend when I got my KitchenAid mixer at Macy's during a Black Friday steal deal in 2009. That mixer cost a little bit of money, but it was well worth it. It is a work-horse, for sure, and can stand up to all kinds of heavy use. I bet the old Sunbeams motor u had could go another 20 or 30 yrs. It came from an era of all metal and hardly any plastic parts, when stuff was made to last. Ok, well chip chip cheerio, gotta go! Have a very happy New Year's!!!
3CoolKats a.k.a. StevieGrrrWonder :-)
I'm glad you had a nice Christmas! Your Dad was very clever getting the bowl to stay on the mixer!!!!
Merry Essexmas, we are glad your dad was able to figure out a way to use Grandma's mixer. If he gets a new one maybe he can make art out of the old one somehow, so that he can keep being reminded of his mom.
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