Well cyber paw pals we are watching Tropical Storm Eta. We are staying in Key West fur Eta. We tried to bark it away, like Sherman and Essex did in August 2011 fur Herricane Irene. Our barks were just were not big enough. Eta should pass by us around 5 AM, Monday morning. That means no morning walk, so we are not looking forward to it. Dad will let us out in the backyard in a couple hours for a potty break. Potty breaks will be few and far between tomorrow.
Dad will be following various herricane sites, while we will be relying on reports from Angel Dog Jake. Jake was an expert herricane reporter that lived close to Holmhaven before he crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
Weather Angel Dog Jake |
Dad has closed the herricane shutters up. Taken all the loose items out of the yard. He is talking to us with his calm voice. Norm went through Sally in September, so he knows the drill. No it is the waiting game.
Norm After Our Morning Walk |
Gemini Is Wet Too |
We will post how things went Monday evening. We are sure Angel Weather Dog Jake will keep us informed. The spirits of Essex, Deacon and Sherman will watch over us.
Norm Chilling Out |
Dog Speed,
Gemini and Normandy
Hi there! So good to see you are still blogging!
I hope you weather the storm with nothing more than some large mud puddles to show for it!
ETA looks like a rain and wind event for u 4 sure. It's a little after 5am EST, so it should be passing u right about now. We will check the WeatherBug pp 4 Key West current conditions. No walk this morning, sad to say, but hurricane season will b over soon on December 1st! Prayers for your safety and comfort.
We've been thinking about you since we saw it on the news yesterday. Hoping all is well with you, maybe just a short power outage? Let us know you are OK when you can.
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